By Dr. Bobby Sarah

Customer Perception and Behaviour

(Adapted from the E- myth Enterprise by Michael Gerber)**

The human mind is anything but simple. But the mind is where marketing happens for you and your customers. So in order to do an effective job marketing your products and your company, you have to get an insightful understanding of the minds of your customers. The good news is that it’s fascinating, and you’ll enjoy the discoveries and insights you develop about your customers

But where do you start?

You start by understanding the basics about how your customers’ minds work, and how you can influence them for their benefit and yours. We all make decisions based on reason and emotion! Emotion is often a subconscious element of the buying process. The entire experience is what today's customer is looking for. How the business looks, feels, interacts, handles customer complaints etc. With the online world, the first thing we look for are the ratings and the experience of others. In your specific busines, try to identify the demographics ( Age, gender, family status, location, if B2B type of businesses etc) of your customer. If you don't have an idea, look at the last 50 people who purchased from you. Then create a profile. Even walk-in stores try to gather the phone numbers of your customers by offering a loyalty program. It's often easier and cheaper to sell again to the same customer than acquire new ones.

The business must meet customer expectations to consistently stay in business. You must try to place yourself in the shoes of the customer and try to understand their pains and frustrations. If your business is a solution to one of them, you just need to identify more people who have the same problem.

Party store and Evenstore are a one stop shop for anyone who wants to have a celebration at home with insta worth backgrounds. They specifically cater to a specific crowd. The target market is teenagers and young adults, mothers who want to celebrate their child's bday etc. They have a huge impact on the family because they create memories and bonding moments for families and friends.

Similarly today take a few moments to understand your customer and how your customers see your business. When you can understand their mind and their perception you can better serve them!

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